This year the two of us have felt stagnant and unimiginative. Our creativity, if it was ever there, has vanished.
So we are going to do something about it.
Using John Hodgman's bookThe Areas of My Expertise as a starting point, we are each going to write a short story. Each story will be based on his list of Fifty-Five Dramatic Situations (a version of which can be found at the bottom of this page). We will post the story for the world to see and read on this blog each fortnight
There is no requirement as to length, content or style. In fact the situation doesn't even need to be directly referenced in the story. It's really just an excuse and a rough guide for us to pretend that we are slightly creative people.
We also hope to throw in pictures, poems and other random detritus from our lives - things that we think are interesting. There's not much around here yet, but hopefully that will change over time. At the very least we will update each fortnight.
Feel free to comment, to ask questions and to let us know what you think.
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